Are you prone to frequent infections? Do you often complain ‘I am tired’?
The bad news is then, chances are that your immune system, which protects the body from infection, is struggling to do its job! The good news is; there are many out there like you! But the real good news is there are some easy techniques you can follow to build your immunity. Let’s see what we can do to strengthen our immunity.
Stress, unfortunately, is the most repeated word in our casual conversations. The stress hormone, cortisol, can suppress the effectiveness of body’s ability to fight infections. Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal has been a champion of rethinking stress, noting that the right approach can make you smarter and stronger. Trouble free ways to deal with stress are:
- Meditations
- Controlled breathing
- Listening to calming music
- Talking to a therapist etc.
Another easy and happy technique to build immunity is a good 7 hour sleep! Researchers say adequate sleep helps T cells in your body fight off infection. Numerous studies have reported the benefits of a good night’s sleep. Oh! Benefits of good sleep could very well just be another blog topic. So friends, watch out for one soon, titled, ‘Stay ‘Yaawn’ at heart’.
Following a moderate exercise program regularly is key to a healthy living. Physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways. You don’t need to be a gym rat or a power lifter to change the antibodies and white blood cells (WBC) which are body’s immune system cells that fight disease. It can even be something as simple as a 30 minute walk, or swaying to your favorite music at home. So, keep moving and prevent that bacteria from growing!
Also, do no forget to have a colourful plate of fruits and vegetables to heal your gut so that you get all the goodness from food rather than supplements. A healthy gut can contribute to a strong immune system. Fruits and vegetables in your diet significantly increases your antibody response. Taking a moment to remember my mom who had to roll her eyes, tongue and wag her index finger to get some vegetables into my little body. Things have changed from then, now, she does it over Whatsapp! That’s how important it is, no kidding!
So, let us remember that a happy immune system is a happy you. I have already started with these simple techniques to keep my immune system happy and healthy. How about you?
About the Author
I am Sreebala, a peaceful looking (request not to reconfirm this with my family members) home maker who is an avid learner of life and its interesting ways! Enjoys my tryst with words; my passion for acting, my never dying love for singing, these days more so when no one is listening, studying spiritual courses and understanding my journey on this planet .
So this journey that I just mentioned has been a bit of a roller coaster types. I am on an adventure ride with autoimmune condition Lupus (SLE) which brings along many others conditions with it as if it was looking for an avenue to expose its unpopular relatives. Nevertheless, I enjoy the unpredictability of my life. I learned to develop a pace (read: pause) of my own physically and emotionally. Now you know why I am part of a wellness blog!
I live in Dubai with my husband and son. They eat the food (read: whatever) I make. So they should be good people. I think I forgot to mention that I love cookie…err .. cooking!
‘Life’s better when you are laughing’. Cheers!